Yes the thought control police are on the job, they really are trying to place that box over the flocks heads tightly.....a mind is a terrible thing to waste isn't.
Power is useless unless you learn to maintain it
on the front page of the km in the branch letter it was proudly annouced that 51 million kingdom news.
the best example that they could point to to show the success of this work was after.
receiving a copy, an inactive sister had trouble sleeping.
Yes the thought control police are on the job, they really are trying to place that box over the flocks heads tightly.....a mind is a terrible thing to waste isn't.
Power is useless unless you learn to maintain it
i thought i would give don a complete read through of "what the bible really teaches " before i made up my mind but the people on this forum have have done nothing bur confirm my suspicions that jws are really pushing mindless propaganda concealed behind a nice pretty bothred me that all the liturature appears to be targeted towards children even though they use big words.
the big red book about revelation had a "this book is the property of" space in the front like the ones i got when i was six.
i've been wondering how to tell don that im not really interested in become part of his organization but after reading about 1000 posts here i can really see that i would make a very poor jw.
Yes Blue you are absolutely right in that the WTS is a propaganda machine, a thoughtless uncompassionate one at that, full of devious misconceptions and coercion
and that is the major reason why allot of us left, it's power in some mens hands that got way out of control. When one stands back and has a throughly good look at the organization
it's easy to see that there is some deliberate exploitation and manipulation of the followers there directly centered of course around the promotion of their merchandise.
One must be apart of Jehovah's organization and read his literature to able to survive the about to occur Armageddon and so forth..............
It is the heartfelt and honest intension of people such as myself to make it clear what the WTS all encompasses and to present a warning of the dangers that
may result because of it. To be a lover of people you don't destroy them or their minds............I am a humanist after all.
have you ever dressed up??
care to share pics (if you can) of your costumes of the past?
or what you would like to wear this year?.
Have never celebrated it of course not as an JW but neither not as one, too many small and innocent children get frighten during the event all on the premise of it's
fun. It does support or embellish the thought of spiritualism in the young ones minds which I don't like and all the junk food/candies gives the kids a stomachache afterwards.
Seems we can do allot better for are kids as responsible parents.
Shouldn't something that was celebrated for a couple hundred years ago be looked at with a bit of skepticism anyways, I think so.
for those that still have doubts about the true nature of the wts organisation, its leaders and r&f and who think that this organisation has a supreme status through being hand picked by god as his sole organisation on earth: .
far from the gb being a group of god appointed saintly elite over an angelic jw society they are group of despicable ever scheming devious men directing a vast and nasty network of jw communities of venomous sneaky vermin which with their poisonous fangs will suck the life out of anyone that gets caught in their cultic spider web of deception and just as with some poisonous spiders you may not realise that you got bitten until well after the fact.
jw sainthood, what a joke, it is as real as easter bunny.
Yes this organization is one devious troublesome group of power seekers that has damaged
many of peoples lives, they've have marketed a controlling psychosomatic state of fear
with the intent to established and maintain a tower of power and of course a livelihood for themselves.
Part of their marketing ploy has been the coming new system of things brought on by Armageddon an original conceptual idea started by of course by C.T.Russell.
The original developer of this publishing house.
In the truest sense they are the overwhelming modern false prophets.
Perhaps with the help of the inter-net we can pull off the deceiving veil which they have placed over themselves and expose " the truth "
i just wanted to officially change something on my viewpoint.
i have thought about this for a few days.
i used to think that while they were in some ways controlling, that jw's did not meet the criteria of a cult totally.
Great comments people looks like the WTS weren't able to rob the hearts and minds of all who got connected with them
below: notice the masonic cross in this freemasonry meeting hall.. .
in his book the watchtower .
& the masons fritz springmeier says:.
God is a marketable commodity that empowers men, this was obviously known to old timers like Chucky Russell a good marketing strategist that knew how to run a business and
all with the guiding support from many around him/ the Freemasons / the government at the time, you might say he used the system well for his own benefit and profit
In some ways I can almost respect him for that ........I said almost
i just wanted to officially change something on my viewpoint.
i have thought about this for a few days.
i used to think that while they were in some ways controlling, that jw's did not meet the criteria of a cult totally.
It does look like they are intentionally going to tighten up their thought control segment of their operation from what I hear.
Could it be possible that they would totally forbid or discourage the use of the inter-net except for business use in the future....ummm
i just wanted to officially change something on my viewpoint.
i have thought about this for a few days.
i used to think that while they were in some ways controlling, that jw's did not meet the criteria of a cult totally.
It sounds like the boys in New York are getting nervously weak about themselves, almost to a point of paranoia. gee I wonder why, what happened to the arrogance that was there
from years gone by ? If they think that they can keep their spoken and written doctrines out of the public eye they are more stupider than I thought.
our circuit overseer is now using the old sermon, now, brothers and sisters the national average is 10 hours a month.
surely you want to accomplish this, don't you?
he is even knocking coffee breaks so that we can achieve this crazy average.
A circuit overseer in the WTS is very much the same as a middle management job in the business world.
They have the responsibility to look after the work force in his given area and to see if he can persuade better productivity out of the workers or this case discrete slaves.
The WTS after all is just a publishing house disguised as a religion is it not. push push push it's nothing new
Hey I think just gave out new light
bet you he doesn't answer.. (this wager does not include the ongoing conversation between jehovah and jcanon).
Where do you go to the bathroom up there and when it thunders down here is that you just passing gas ?